Zodiac / Logistics
Open Ocean Studio™
The Challenge

Designing tomorrow's maritime solutions

Approximately 90% of the goods produced worldwide are transported by water. The services built for the maritime industry are inconsistent and outdated.
90POE Design Studio hired me to help them build a suite of applications for the maritime industry.
The team was divided into squads. I was part of the Safety and Compliance squad. My focus was on designing solutions for the Audit and Inspections, Incident Reporting and Procedures tools. I've also contributed to the Vessel Itinerary Application part of the same Open Ocean Studio Suite.
Getting to know the audience
I don’t design for “happy paths” because I don’t believe in “perfect” users. Vessel audits and inspections happen in challenging conditions.
Most of the time, the inspectors are seniors, retired sea captains or officers. They travel around the world to perform audits, inspections and training. They get to board vessels at specific times and do their work in rough conditions. Sometimes, on a tight schedule, wearing protective equipment.
The Audit and Inspection application has to adapt to those conditions: used by seniors, those on the move, and devices with poor or no internet connection.
Thinking on the walls
An essential requirement was to design applications capable of absorbing data from legacy systems and repositories. To this end, all the journeys were mapped to connect processes with sources.
Validating solutions
I designed various prototypes to be tested to deliver a solid proof of concept (POC). Everything was built out of reusable/ responsive components.
The solution I delivered for audit and inspection applications was designed to fit a scalable architecture and integrate with other essential applications, such as Crew and Vessel Itinerary.
A few audit inspectors were called in to test the prototypes. After the tests, the results were analysed, and the prototypes were updated.
The POC was ready to become the MVP.
The result
The Open Ocean Studio™ platform is live.
The Audit and Inspection tool offers an efficient way to plan, audit, and generate corrective instructions today, as well as record and analyse.
From pen, paper, and messy spreadsheets to an integrated system available via the cloud and satellite from anywhere. The tools I designed are set to be part of a digital revolution in the maritime industry.
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Copyright © Alin Buda. All rights reserved. Trademarks, brands and some of the images are the property of their respective owners.
Some images were sourced from Pexels™ and Unsplash™.